The Way Forward, Is To Return


— By Lauren Trend

We moved house this past weekend and I’m still trying to find the words to articulate how formative and long long longggg time coming this has been... We’re out of the city, away from the hustle and bustle, in a quiet coastal town and among the whispers of trees. Its on the same peninsula that I grew up on, and I'm learning that no matter how much of the chase I've committed to in the past, the ultimate and intuitive way forward, is to return.

Every day that I’ve woken up here, my whole body has felt different. I’ve realised I’m no longer holding my breath. I’m hit with an overwhelming stillness (odd for those who know me), a deep knowing; that I am exactly where I’m meant to be..

But these moments of exhale have not been without deeply gruelling and upending events. I've doubted myself, questioned myself, wondered that if I took this leap, would it all (everything I've worked for) fall away. But the only way through it all, has been to go thhhhrrroughhh it ALL.

I am humbled to learn, time and time again, that there are no shortcuts. There are no skip from A-Z's. And if there was, I'm sure I'd get bored.

Manifesting a reality that is in alignment with our souls’ calling may be a far-fetched, woo-woo concept for some. But I trust that those who are here, not only entertain such ideals, but live within their very real and raw ebs and flows.

As I sit down to write this, tears of complete exhaustion, overwhelm, disbelief and immeasurable gratitude stream down my face. I’ve dreamt of spending my days in a home like this as long as I can remember, and now begins the continued self/practice to ensure my worth remains at a level to embody this new chapter of life, fully.

There is always more work to be done, but today, I am proud.


MindfulnessLauren Trend