People: Berta Blanka T. Ivanow



@ombredansleau / @___887l

Name: Berta Blanca T. Ivanow

Occupation / Business / Creative Outlet: Visual Artist

Location: Barcelona

Star sign: Capricorn

Favourite Number: 22

First thing you did this morning? Hug my dearest

What does 'wellbeing' mean to you? Being at peace with myself

Products found in your shower / by your bath? Camellia oil, Dead Sea Mud Soap, Konjac Charcoal Sponge & Solid Coco Shampoo.

Three things that can always be found in your kitchen cupboard? Ginger Porcelain Grater, Wooden Spoon & Niwaki Scissors

Favourite kitchen utensil? Terracotta cooking pot

Favourite travel destination? Formentera

Currently reading? Earthen Pigments: Hand-Gathering & Using Natural Colors in Art

Currently browsing?

Favourite breakfast food?  Toast with toasted tahini & bitter orange marmalade

Three items in your wallet / bag? Ravintsara essential oil, honey lip balm & notebook

An album/mix that calms your nervous system? Encore from Tokyo - Keith Jarret

An album/mix that hypes you up? Jump in the line - Harry Belafonte

Most commonly used apps on your phone? Instagram & Spotify

Favourite form of movement/exercise? Roller Skating

One thing you'd like to incorporate into your day/week that you're currently yet to?  I’m a busy bee, so I guess more time to stop and just breathe.

Nighttime rituals? Writing on a notebook things that I am grateful for that happened during the day that just passed.

A secret? I am scared of death

Someone you look up to? Magdalena Abakanowicz, for being a woman in the art world and for having such a strong practice, her art speaks to my soul.

Something you're proud of? Letting go of old thinking

I feel most creatively fulfilled when… I have clay in my hands

I'm currently working on… a wool felt tapestry for the exhibition “Home is Within” organised by Isabella Killoran with a group of wonderful women from around the globe.

This time last year, I wish I knew… nothing, I’ve always refused to know future events.

I'm grateful for... being able to dedicate my life to what l love.

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