A Simple Body Mapping & Breath-work Practice



1. Lie or sit down wherever is comfortable for you.

2. Softly close your eyes.

3. Place your hands over your belly.

4. Let go of any judgement that immediately comes to the forefront.

5. Take a large inhale.

6. Hold your breath. Imagine your breath reaching every corner of the inside of your physical body.

7. Exhale slowly. Visualising the breath slowly moving out of your belly button, little by little.

8. Repeat your inhale and visualise every corner being filled up again before you exhale.

9. Repeat once more, watch and feel your whole body fill up with rejuvenating breath before letting it all slowly go.

10. On your next inhale, send the breath to a specific area of your body that needs it most.

11. Keep its healing properties swirling there for as long as you can keep your inhale.

12. On your exhale visualise all the pain, tension, uncomfortability oozing our of that area.

13. Repeat as many times as you need to.

Image: Richard Long

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