Journal Prompts to Mark the Middle of the Year


Hi everyone! How are you all doing?

Time is an absolute vortex these days and it’s so hard to believe that we’re half way through 2022 already!

Today, being the Summer / Winter Solstice, depending on where you are in the world - it’s a really poignant time to take pause and reflect on everything that’s happening around us.

Life out of lockdown seems like it’s happening at an even more rapid speed and it’s so easy to get caught in the overwhelm of the day-to-day. I can only speak from personal experience - but when I stop and take inventory of everything that’s going on in my life, I feel so much better for having done it, especially when i feel like I don’t have the time to do it.

Sharing wiht you today some Journal Prompts and Questions for you to sit down and reflect upon the year so far, and perhaps gain some clarity on where you hope to go from here.

I can only hope that you find them useful, and that you’re able to see that you’ve accomplished more than you ever give yourself credit for.

All my best,


1. How has 2022 been for you so far?

2. What experiences have you learnt from?

3. What have you accomplished in the last 6 months?

4. What do you hope to achieve in the next 6 months?

5. Who / what are you grateful for this year?

6. Where do you need to implement more structure?

7. Where do you need to let go / soften?

8. What do you need to offload / ask for help with?

9. Where can you step in and be of service to others?

10. What does the rest of 2022 look like? Make a plan.

Take these prompts to pen and paper.

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