Lauren's Morning & Night Skincare Routine


A little insight into an average day..



The last piece I wrote of this nature was a little over a year ago, so I appreciate your patience as its long overdue! On IG last week you asked for me to digitise both my morning and evening routines, so here they are..


6:05am - I’m woken up and start stirring. It’s either Grey’s purring or Lucy starting to get ready for work. Either way theres lots of kisses involved.

6:45am - I roll out of bed and turn on the Moccamaster. By now I’m sure you know my views on coffee: Most people in ‘wellness’ don’t agree with it, but I agree with whatever makes us feel good, and for me, coffee does just that. We usually have Everyday Coffee in the house. Whatever Luce picks, that’s her domain.

I’ll chug down a big glass of water, pour myself a coffee, and whilst sipping on it and forgetting about it in equal measure, I’ll check my emails, listen to an episode of 7am, and post a #dailypractice reminder on @self.practice.

7:15am - I’ll roll around on the floor for a little while, stretching out my lower back and ridding my neck of any tension from the night before. We recently upgraded our pillows. Which felt very responsible and very adult. It’s making a huge difference in my quality of sleep. Gentle movement followed by a few minutes filling out a page in my SP WORKBOOK, with the Self Practice Chill playlist echoing quietly in the house is my favourite start to the day.

7:25am - Pre-shower I Dry Body Brush. You all know how much I value and encourage this self-practice. In the shower. Being winter here at the moment its a time thats treasured even more. I wash my hair first, and my body second. I learnt as a teen that it’s always good to wash your body after you wash out your hair products, as often they can coat your skin and cause breakouts / acne. Something I am already very prone to, with oily, Indian skin.

7:30am - I wash my hair, alternating between products. Having short hair, I wash it every day, due to aforementioned oily skin. Most days I use Sans Nourishing Hair Wash, and Sans Nourishing Hair Hydratant. On day’s that I want to treat my hair, I’ll wash with Christophe Robin Paris Sea Salt Scrub, do a Sans Moisture + Protein Infusion Treatment, then seal with Sans Nourishing Hydratant Ultra +. I do this once or twice a week depending on the state of my hair. Since I cut it all off again, it’s much less, which is nice.

7:35 am - I’ll then wash my face, in the shower, with F.Miller Cleansing Oil. It’s gentle and doesn’t strip skin at all. it’s great for removing make up and dirt! On day’s that my skin needs a little exfoliating, I reach for NOTO’s Resurface Scrub. Hands down the best exfoliant there is. Finally I’ll wash my body. We have both F.Miller Body Wash and Sphaera Soap in our shower at all times. At the moment I’m using the Sweet Almond and French Clay bar and it smells so darn good.

7:38 am - Out of the shower, and all wrapped up in a bath sheet. It’s AM Skin time. F.Miller Body Oil gets splashed over my entire body. Massaging this in fresh out of the shower feels so delicious. To ensure I’ve cleaned my face well, I’ll pop some Bioderma Micellar water on a reusable cotton pad and wipe all over my face. There’s somehow, always more gunk on the white pad than I’d like there to be. So it’s a piece of mind step in my skincare routine. First layer on freshly cleansed skin in the morning is F.Miller’s Toning Mist. This product has made such a phenomenal difference in both mine and Lucy’s skin. If you invest in anything anytime soon, let it be this.

7:40am - I then pop a dropper full of Rationale’s Immunologist Serum on my face once my toner has soaked in. After that, a pump of Drunk Elephant’s Vitamin C Serum. I love how alive and tight this makes my face feel. A few rolls of F.Miller Eye Treatment Oil under my eyes for added Hydration throughout the day. I love and have come to rely on this product so much!

Depending on what I have to do that day, I’ll choose between a bare face, or a slightly made up look. I’m having more breakouts than I usually would, cause my period is finally, slowly, making it’s way back! Thank god.. After vit-C and eye oil, a few drops of LESSE’s Ritual Serum. The potency of ingredients, like Tumeric in this, really helps calm and balance my skin.

On a bare faced day I’ll pop on NOTO’s Moisture Riser Cream, comb my brows with some Agender Oil and leave it at that. On a day that I’m taking it extra slow and working from home, before all of the above and fresh out of the shower I’ll paint on LESSE’s Bioactive Masque and conquer more emails and make the most out of working from home that day.

On a day that I have meetings to go to, or am shooting, I’ll use Rationale’s SPF Super Fluid and a little Chanel CC Cream to even out any red undertones on my face. I love using Hourglass’ Arch Brow Volumising Gel for a fuller brow, and classic $12 Maybeline mascara. Some NOTO Ono-Ono Multi Bene stain on my cheeks, and the bridge of my nose for a ‘slightly sun-kissed-or-am-i-blushing?’ look and I’m good to go.

7:45am - A few sprays of Primary Elements Mineral + CBD Deodorant, then I’m dressed and ready. In my bag for the day will often but not always be, headphones, my Travel SP WORKBOOK, a MUJI pen, my wallet, Chanel Hand Creme Egg, my Mason Pearson Comb, lip balm, either this one or this one, coins, receipts I’m yet to file, a shopping list and a bottle of water or juice.

8:00am - Most mornings I fast until midday, but on a morning that I wake up a little hungrier, It’ll be a boiled egg and some sort of green juice. Wether it’s breakfast or lunch, I’ll take my vitamins with the first meal of the day. At the moment it’s Triphala, Shativari and Ashwaganda 2 x daily. Keeping it simple. Which is nice. When I’m being a gold star student I’ll actually drink my Nerve tonic (that tastes utterly repulsive) made by my Ayurvedic doctor.

9:15am - Suppose this hypothetical day is a weekend, I’d most likely make my way to our local market and pick up items on our list that often include but are not limited to: celery, organic sustainably sourced meat, farm eggs, fennel, potatoes, dill, herbal teas, kombucha, milk, fresh pasta, butter lettuce, radishes, tomatoes, bone broth, mung beans, both vegan and normal butter, yoghurt, fish, capers, parsley, cauliflower, broccolini, avocado, lavosh crackers, patte, bread, soft cheeses, white tulips and a bottle of natural wine from black hearts.



At the moment, my days either wind up relatively early or wildly late. As soon as I’m home-for-the-day, however, the first thing that happens is loungewear / PJs. At the moment I’m alternating between a silk set and this Deiji Studios set. And my feet are being kept warm thanks to General Sleep Socks.

6:30pm - Depending on my workload, Luce and I might watch the News, or she’ll cook dinner whilst I continue to work and wrap up my day. Our favourite meal at the moment is white fish with a verde sauce, fennel salad and pan-roasted potatoes. That or ravioli with a red sauce. Yum.

7:45pm - A few glasses of wine and a delicious meal later, we’ll continue to wind down together - either watching something, or my favourite - turn off all computers and phones spend time together, in our bedroom. As far as I’m concerned, the best place on earth. I’ve never felt love or connection or intimacy the way I do now. Safely understood, held and simultaneously expanded. Comforted and encouraged in the same breath. I count my lucky stars for her everyday.

9:10pm - Time to both reflect upon and wash off the day. The bathroom is my second most favourite sanctuary. To clean my face I’ll use a clean reusable cotton pad, doused in Micellar water again and then cleanse my face with Rationale’s ProCeramide Cleanser. This has the most delicious, milky texture. It feels like you’re cleansing with a lush moisturiser. After swirling that around my face and ensuring it’s entirely lathered, I’ll wipe it off with a rinsed-out-hot-water-face-washer. A few sprays of F.Miller Toning Mist, before a few drops of NOTO’s Deep Serum. Second last, I night-time-moisturise and replenish using Rationale’s DNA Night Cream. On the under eyes, La Prairie Skin Eye Caviar Lift Cream. The Rolls Royce of eye creams. A product I would never have in my skincare cupboard were it not gifted. !!

9:50pm - Before sleep, spending time in bed connecting again with Luce about our day’s tomorrow, our anxieties, concerns or joys, is always such an important part of our evening. Glasses of water sit by our bedside because nothing is as important for our skin, or our self-health as drinking loads of water.

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